
List of provinces, administrative regions within larger nations:

Antyok Antyok Antyok or Antyoq [ant-YOK, uhn-CHOK] is an island in the Natorn Archipelago, due east of Besoa. It was formerly an independent nation, the Principality of Antyok, but since 1086 ME, following the Bizoan War, it is now under Hartheran dominion. Antyok This is in a series of articles about Antyok, an island nation in the HartheranHartheranHartheran
Cadál Cadál Cadál [ka-DAL] is the most northwesterly province of Ororr, part of the autonomous region of Moritarr. The province is contiguous with Cadál Peninsula, a body of land surrounded by water. Cape Cadál is the very northern tip of the peninsula. In practice the three names are often used interchangeably. The province is extremely isolated, notorious for piracy, poverty, and sinister religious practices.Ororrlanguagelanguagelanguagelanguage
Cavann Cavann Cavann [ka-VAN] is a border province of northeastern Ororr, much of it consisting of green forest and virid jungle, in the foothills of the Dun Jaen mountains. During the modern epoch parts of the coast and outlying islands were settled by Iskean peoples including Junda, leading to border disputes and naval encounters with Ororr
Chelidt Chelidt Chelidt, or Shelidt, is a maritime province in the northeast of Harthera. It is roughly contiguous with the Chelidd States, the regional former regional power annexed by the growing Union of Harthera. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of
Feman Feman Feman [feh-MANN] is an inland province in the Gildon region of southwestern Ororr. The land is relatively arid with thin soil, so the region is sparsely populated. It was once entirely virid scrubland which was cleared, but proved unsuitable for agriculture, leaving it a patchwork of Ororr
Gadok Gadok The Cordrome of Gadok is an administrative region of northwestern Harthera. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy * Capital: Vahltor * Foundation: 1 ME (Traditional) * MEMEHartheravirid
Galkesh Province Galkesh Province Galkesh Province is a province of northwestern Ororr, named its capital, the historic city of Galkesh. The central region is lush green temperate highlands, in ancient times the home of the Gaal people. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Garsundt Garsundt Garsundt is a cordrome or military governorate of Harthera. It is the most northerly region of the country, including the sparsely inhabited Chouda Peninsula and the more densely populated hinterland of the city of Garsun. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name:
Gaskan Gaskan Gaskan is the southernmost province in the region of Gaskanin in Ororr. The province is reliant on trade via the River Dor which is the main route of communication. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Ororr
Gebay Gebay Gebay is a northern province of Ororr, occupying the Gebay Peninsula. The region is hot and moist with scraps of virid coastline and jungle, with a low population density and no major cities. Its only importance is strategic, given it is the nearest point of the mainland to the
Geraltin Geraltin Geraltin is a province in the Moritarr region of northwest Ororr. Its low-lying coast is sparsely inhabited due to sucking sands, treacherous rocks and thick virid swamps of dragora trees, subject to regular devastating inundations by storm tides. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororrviridviridvirid
Gorval Gorval Gorval, also called Gobal, is the most northerly province of the region of Gaskanin in northeastern Ororr, occupying the Gorval Peninsula and its hinterland. Its people are traditionally called the Gobalay. The province consists of rugged coastline with hundreds of rocky islands, and uplands with an ancient Ororr
Guree Isles Guree Isles The Guree Isles are a group of islands off the coast of the Gebay Pensinsula in northern Ororr. The closest is only 4 km from the mainland. These rocky isles have a small population but are a rich source of greenfish, which are dried and salted before being shipped inland. There is a Gebaylan tradition for labourers from the mainland to travel to the islands to help with the fish harvest, in the months before the
Gyeiladde Gyeiladde Gyeiladde, also called Sarvildon, is a province in the Gildot region of southwestern Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Hamdre Hamdre Hamdre [HAM-derr] is an administrative region, or cordrome, of the state of Harthera. It encompasses the entire southwest of the country, a mostly wild region of mountains and virid jungle. Civilisation proliferates along the valley of the River Nar. Harthera This is in a series of articles about HartheranHarthera
Heronbar Heronbar Heronbar, also called Ronvarr during the Hartheran Occupation, is the northeastern province of the island of Besoa. Its capital the city of Famúl. History Historically, the Kingdom of Heronbar was one of the four ancient kingdoms of Besoa, occupying the northeastern quarter of the island. Heronbar was the most advanced maritime power of its era, with possessions in HartheranHartheran
Hirèrk Hirèrk Hirèrk [hee-R-ERR-k hi'røk] is the northernmost region of Kahtoyn. Its foremost city is Marr Sirque, the principle trade port of Kahtoyn and gateway to the region. The province is known internationally for the Hirèrk Moonscale, the famous calendar of Miyarris, which was used and misused by scholars for millennia after.
Meral Meral Merál [meh-RAL] is a province of the Gildon autonomous region of southwestern Ororr. Its capital is Lerit. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Milu Milu Milu is a coastal province in the Gildon region of southwestern Ororr. It is the most isolated and sparsely inhabited province of Ororr, consisting of arid hills and fishing villages with no significant cities. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Narill Narill Narill [na-RILL] is a coastal cordrome or province of southeastern Harthera. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy * Capital: Vahltor * Foundation: 1 ME (Traditional) *
Narlorn Narlorn Narlorn is a province of the region of Moritarr in Ororr. It is centred on the fertile valley of the River Nurallons. Its capital is the city of Déor. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr
Nashandt Nashandt Nashandt is a major province of north central Harthera. It is roughly contiguous with the old nation of Saloya, with its capital being the city of Pishan. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy
New Hartrah New Hartrah New Hartrah is a territory of the eastern continent of Retzayk, claimed as a colonial possession of the Hartheran Union. It is the first successful settlement on the continent in modern history. It was discovered in 1112 ME, with virid jungle being cleared in 1116 in the hopes of creating large HartheranHartheraviridviridviridgreen
Orthein Orthein Orthein is a province of the Dunasanin autonomous region of central Ororr. It mainly consists of flat green grasslands and rolling hills, called the Othei Plains. It has few towns and villages, mainly inhabited by ovor herders and nomadic Othei people. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Perudd Perudd Perudd is a peninsular region of northeastern Harthera, which marks the boundary between the Iskean Sea and the Redeeming Ocean. Politically it is part of the cordrome of Perudd and the Isles, meaning the Junda Isles, since the coast of Perudd was traditionally a territory of the Junda people. Harthera This is in a series of articles about
Pinyedt Pinyedt Pinyedt is a large, wild region or cordrome of western Harthera. It is remote and isolated, with impassables mountain and virid jungles to the west, the only habitable regions being around the eastern shores of the virid-infested Lake Prioythan. Harthera This is in a series of articles about
Retthen Retthen Retthen is a coastal cordrome of eastern Harthera, comprising what was once eastern Ravorr and the Junda Coast. Harthera This is in a series of articles about Harthera * Name: Hartheran Union, Union of Harthera, Uhartrah * Government: Military-Mercantile Oligarchy * Capital: Vahltor * Foundation: 1
River States River States The River States describes the region of principalities, city states and tribal communes along the Blue Wiyel from around 2000 to 1400 BME, now part of the Deltirot region of Ororr. Though an anachronism, the term is still sometimes used to describe the region, particularly to distinguish it from the more urbanised region of the Deltirot Plateau, sometimes called Old Deltirot.
Sekalkot Sekalkot Sekaltot [se-KAL-tot] is a province in central Ororr in the central region of Dunasanin. Its capital city is Seqot. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr * Government: Theocratic Republic
Siltorn Siltorn Siltorn is a region of Ororr, contiguous with the historic Siltorn Republic. Its capital is Initerer. Siltorn is a temperate upland region of rolling hills, surrounded by mountains. In ancient times the region was cleared of virid jungle and settled to create a rich green landscape of farms and woodland. Many small city states and polities arose, forming the Siltorn Republic in 2080
Tekon Tekon Tekon is a province of the Deltirot region of southern Ororr, centred around the valley of the Blue Wiyel. Tekon is a wet and sparsely inhabited land of lakes, swamps rivers, forests and mountains. [Ororr] History The Tekonet or Tekon civilisation was an ancient stone age culture centred around
Tofá Tofá Tofá [toe-FAH] is the southern province of the Gildon autonomous region of Ororr, close to the border with Hesjbagaaia. Its capital is the city of Agann. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Go to world map * Name: Holy Motherland of Ororr
Tulf Jhaena Tulf Jhaena Tulf Jhaena is a remote province of Deltirot, the southernmost region of Ororr. Geographically it comprises the drainage basin of the Red Wiyel, the eastern tributary of the great River Wiyel. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr
Tushal Tushal Tushal is a province in the Moritarr region of western Ororr. It is dry and sparsely populated, with a largely Jorothi-ethnic population. The city of Tush is the only significant settlement. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of Ororr. Hover to magnify | Ororr
Voshárn Voshárn Voshárn [voe-SHAH-n], sometimes called Mordan, is a sparsely populated province of northwestern Ororr, the largest province in the region of Moritarr. For historic regions it is sometimes referred to as Old Ororr. Ororr This is in a series of articles on the modern nation-station of OrorrOrorr
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