Articles under development, which are “work in progress”.
About Helevos | About Helevos I love creating worlds. Helevos is my fantasy world project, Version 1.0 The first maps I drew of Helevos were related to stories and games I played when I was a child, based around cities and islands. Besoa was in fact the first island I drew, a fantasy kingdom of nobles, monsters and whirlwinds. AnásthiasAnásthias |
Artillery | Artillery trebuchet ballista catapult onager - catapult using power of twisted rope wip weapons technology |
Belikast | Belikast Belikast (Nikolo Drorkin, or Nikolo Signfound) was an infamous historic Grand Master of the Rasian Academy (86 - 32? BME), who was expurgated and forever renamed as “Belikast the Black”. People This is in a series of articles on famous and historic people. He is often called the “Last Grand Master |
Deltirot | Deltirot Deltirot (also arch. Deltiriot) is one of the six self-governing regions of modern Ororr, occupying the southeastern corner of the country. It is bounded by mountains on three sides: the Dun Trisan to the east, the Dun Jaen to the south, and the Vildon Mountains to the west. To the north are the Riverlands of Seqal, the Ororr |
Doroun vocabulary | Doroun vocabulary English Doroun who ko wip languages |
Dragon War | Dragon War The Dragon War (682-678 BME) was the first major conflict to engulf the entire Anrel Isles, in which a league of northern cities united against the city-state of Oracil in the southeast. By the end of the war Oracil had been utterly destroyed, laying a foundation of bitterness that has soured north-south relations ever since, and ultimately led to the magicAnrelgreenHM |
Earth comparison | Earth comparison Helevos and Earth - Helevos is about 90% the size of Earth, and has a considerably smaller axial tilt, making seasons less extreme. This map shows the a map of Earth overlayed on Helevos, showing relative scale and distance. Note that although Helevos appears to have a smaller proportion of land, its ratio of sea to land is actually higher than Earth, but this is distorted by Helevos having large amounts of frozen land at the poles. The proportion of temperate land is ther… |
Empire of Dor-en-Sann | Empire of Dor-en-Sann The Empire of Dor-en-Sann, [DOORR-enn-SAHN] also called the EnSanni Empire, was the largest empire in history. It dominated central Anásthias for nearly two thousand years, from 1903 BME, until the conquest of Galkesh in 59 ME. The empire consisted of hundreds of ethnic groups and cultures, its people were collectively called the MEOrorrHMOrorrHMHartheraME |
Ennseperan Empire | Ennseperan Empire The Holy Empire of EnSann and Essep, commonly called the Ennseperan Empire or simply Ennseperans, was a historic state in the southwest of Anásthias, existing from 101-683 ME. Ennseperans [ ] This is in a series of articles about the Ennseperan Empire. It encompassed the modern nation of OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr |
Events in World History | Events in World History Date (ME) Event -15001 First cities of the Godmen -12001 Primary Glacial ending -11111 N1, Second/Jade Epoch -10401 Orodien established as store of lost knowledge -8901 Traithe civilisation established -8401 Decline of Orodien, island eventually abandoned OrorrHartheraHartheraHarthera |
Fauna | Fauna All of these creatures are physical beings, but some of them, particularly the Four Beasts of the Apocalypse, are legendary and of course will only appear under the most extreme circumstances. * Banshee - large terrifying flying creatures with spindly bodies and a very long wingspan, which ride the air currents in remote areas, feeding off small birds, AnásthiasAnásthiasAnásthias |
Foratuna | Foratuna The Sanctuary of Foratuna [Fo-Rah-Too-Nah] is the holiest site of the Mother Church of Ororr: the desert place where the Great Prophet built his sanctuary tower, in which he formulated the principles of the new religion, and laid the foundations for the Ororran state. The Sanctuary is a complex of religious buildings and housing for the priesthood, including a great hall and holy circle or greengreenmagicviridmagic |
Geology | Geology Helevos is approximately 3.8 billion years old, and differs from the planet Earth geologically in a number of ways. Magnetism Like Earth, Helevos was subject to massive bombardment by planetary-sized objects during its hot early life, but accrued a much larger amount of iron and heavier metals than Earth. Helevos is smaller than Earth, but relatively much denser. |
Global Climate Cycle | Global Climate Cycle The Moonscale in fact accurately predicts the motion of the world and surrounding planets, which causes a succession of Glacials (Ice Ages) and Interglacials, which increase and decrease in intensity. These fluctuations are caused by the predictable flucuations of the planet’s axial tilt and other orbital factors. At various tipping points, decades of harsh winters allows buildup of both land and sea ice at the poles. Reduction in sea level alters sea currents, further a… |
Green Sea Origin Theory | Green Sea Origin Theory The Green Sea Origin is a comparatively recent theory of natural history, proposed to explain why Helevos has two distinct and incompatible kingdoms of life - the virid and the green kingdoms. It was first theorised by Herf Gerlatin of Harlon University, in his 1086 ME book Man from the GreenGreengreenViridViridgreengreenviridgreenviridgreengreenviridviridGreen |
Gyeil People | Gyeil People The Gyeil [g-YAY-l] are the indigenous inhabitants of Gildot in central Anásthias, with modern populations throughout southwestern Anásthias and Munatan. The Gyeil have a unique culture and language, unrelated to the Thalsic peoples who colonised much of the region from the Jade Epoch onwards. Consequently they have been subjected to centuries of oppression and conflict, and have derogatively been called the “Night People” or viridlanguageOrorrviridviridviridgreenviridviridgreen… |
Harthera | Harthera The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr |
Hartheran Government | Hartheran Government The government of the Hartheran Union is an oligarchy centralised in Vahltor, where the wealthy rule through a labyrinthine bureaucracy of committees, boards and assemblies who all jealously guard their powers. Governance This is in a series of articles on HartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheran |
Helevos Biology & Natural History | Helevos Biology & Natural History Helevos has two categories of life which are mutually incompatible, the virid, and the green. Green life includes humans, and all domesticated plants and animals which are nutritious and useful to human exploitation. Green life is considered to be soft, benevolent and useful, an essential part of human settlement and civilisation. greenviridviridgreengreengreenviridgreenviridgreenviridviridgreenviridviridviridviridGreengreengreenAnrelgreengreenAnrelAnrelAn… |
History of Harthera | History of Harthera FIXME * 3101 - Junda seize Vahltor * 3101-3118 - Saloyan civil war * 3126 - Chelidt conquer Pishahn * 3197-3200 - Final conquest of Saloya * 3219-25 - War of the Junda Coast * 3339 - First Ravorran War, The Short War |
Holistician School of Thought | Holistician School of Thought The Holisticians were one of principle schools of thought at the Rasian Academy, during the age of the Great Schools. Rasian Academy This is in a series of articles about the Rasian Academy See also: * Magic * Schools of Thought Holisticians view the universe as sets of interrelated and interdependent systems. They regard other perspectives as |
Humbers | Humbers Humbers are a species of small flying mammal found throughout the civilised world, particularly in areas of green forest and other dense vegetation. Fauna This is in a series of articles about Animals. They are one of the most diverse and successful mammal species, with at least two hundred sub-species with a range of appearance and specialisation. Most feed on fruits, nectar of |
Hyperdrive | Hyperdrive Most modern interstellar space travel is achieved using variations on the tachyon transference drive (TTD), variously called the tachyon drive or hyperdrive. This circumvents the laws of mass and energy by “flipping” a vessel travelling at speeds approaching the speed of light into tachyonic particles. These particles have no mass in the convention sense, as they are incapable of interacting with sub-luminal matter. They also travel at the speed of light within their own point of … |
Imprinting | Imprinting Imprinting is the thaumaturgical discipline of capturing the attention of an elemental, and giving it set of formal instructions. Magicians with the ability to summon and imprint an elemental are magisters. Magic magic This is in a series of articles about magic, thaumaturgy and esotericism. The most basic method of imprinting is verbal, reciting sequents aloud to a bound elemental in the human equivalent of the language |
Jeu | Jeu Jeu [JHAY-oo] is a common informal greeting, probably derived from Thalsic though ubiquitous throughout Anásthias. It is more common in Ororr. wip |
Junda religion | Junda religion The ancient Junda had a mixed religion, which developed over thousands of years. It combined ancient tribal belief in shamanic ancestor-worship with a wider nationalist mythology, in a cosmos containing a variety of gods. Latterly the Junda primarily worshipped the Storm Lord, herherherherherherlanguagelanguage |
Kingdom of Emánuné | Kingdom of Emánuné Emánuné [eh-MAN-oo-nay, imæn'uːeɪ] was an ancient kingdom occupying the fertile valley of the River Velun, in what is now modern Harthera. Ancient Northeast Anasthias This is in a series of articles about the ancient history of Northeast HM |
Kingdom of Garnarré-Remel | - Kingdom of Garnarré-Remel The Kingdom of Garnarré-Remel was an Imperial Kingdom, a constituent nation of the Empire of Dor-en-Sann, founded after the conquest of Ancient Remel in 1630 BME. Empire of Dor-en-Sann This is in a series of articles about the historic multi-ethnic state, the Empire of Dor-en-Sann, which existed from c.1900 BME |
Magic styles | Magic styles Throughout history there have been a number of styles of magic, including spoken and gestural languages used to communicate with silfs, and magic scripts used to record those languages, often surrounded by the paraphernalia of costume and ritual with which some societies dressed up otherwise simple thaumaturgy.magicmagicmagicmagicMiyarris |
Malefaction | Malefaction Malefaction is the use of magic to cause harm. Most magical traditions throughout history have had a taboo against using magic for selfish and dangerous purposes, but the Rasian Academy, as the premier institution of thaumaturgy, was the most effective at regulating it. magicmagicmagic |
Mayápo Language | Mayápo Language Mayápo or Mayápon [may-YAPP-poe] was the formal language of the ancient realm of Miyarris, spoken for several thousand years in the Celadon Epoch and after. Language language This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication. Though it been extinct as a spoken language for almost two thousand years, it continued to be used throughout the Eloyounlanguagelanguagelanguagegreengreengreengreengreen |
Miyarris | Miyarris Miyarris [mee-YA-riss], (also Miarris, from Mayápo Mayarous) was a hugely influential ancient civilisation located which flourished during the Celadon Epoch, from 4000-3000 BME. It is considered the first great civilisation in history since the the mythic Godmen. Ancient Miyarris BMElanguagelanguagelanguageAnásthiasEloyounlanguagelanguagelanguage |
Mother Church of Ororr (Therism) | Mother Church of Ororr (Therism) The Mother Church is the state religion of Ororr, which combines both religion and government in one institution. It is based on the teachings of the Great Prophet Therion, who in the early decades of the modern era raised an army that conquered much of northwestern OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrMEMEOrorrMEMEOrorrOrorrHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerher |
Origin of Humanity on Helevos | Origin of Humanity on Helevos wip ~~UNDERCONSTRUCTION~~ |
Oughtism | Oughtism Oughtism is a moral and philosophical system, claiming an ancient inheritance from the moral codes of the Godmen. It continues to be influential throughout the Anrel Isles, and it's guiding principles have been the foundation of legal and religious codes throughout the |
Printing | Printing Printing technology has been known for thousands of years, but until the modern era was restricted to the elites of the more advanced historic civlisations. Methods Taigan Bookwheels In the ancient civilisation of Traithe, important texts were recorded on brass discs, using the flowing continuous OrorrHarthera |
Race and Ethnicity | Race and Ethnicity The concepts of race and ethnicity in the Civilised World are complex, related to issues of history, geography and culture. Some theories of the origins of humanity claim that all humans are descended from a single group of original ancestors, while others believe mankind is made up of distinct races with separate origins. EloyounHartheraAnrelOrorrOrorrEloyounGodmenEloyounOrorrMunatanEloyounAnásthiasGodmen |
Seqaal | Seqaal Seqaal or Seqaalqun is the foremost surviving language of the Issid language family, spoken primarily in the Sekalkot province of central Ororr. Language language This is in a series of articles about Languages and Communication. The language has existed in various forms for at least four thousand years, descending from the early tongues of the languagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguagelanguage |
Siege of Toborr | Siege of Toborr The ancient port city of Toborr was laid siege to many times throughout its history, but the Siege of Toborr generally refers to the only successful siege and conquest of the city, led by the Great Prophet Therion. History This is in a series of articles about history conflicts toborr ororr therism wip |
Thaumaturgy | Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy Is a style of magic, codified and practiced by the Rasian Academy. Thaumaturgy and magic are terms often used interchangeably. Magic magic This is in a series of articles about magic, thaumaturgy and esotericism. Thaumaturgy means “work using thaumic energy”, also called Elemental Mastery, Elementalismmagicmagicmagiclanguagemagicmagicmagicmagicmagicmagicmagicmagic |
The Grand Academy of Rasia | The Grand Academy of Rasia The Grand Academy of Rasia [RAH-see-uh], more commonly known as the Rasian Academy, was once the greatest centre of learning in the Civilised World. It taught a wide variety of disciplines but specialised in thaumaturgical theory and practice. Rasian Academy This is in a series of articles about the BMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEMEMEmagicmagicmagic |
The Greymen | The Greymen The Greymen were a religious movement in eastern Munatan, an offshoot of, or reaction to the Dromeist philosophy of change. They became infamous in Biinmos in the 10th century, where a fundamentalist cult caused the Greymen Holocaust. Belief This is in a series of articles about |
The Tirennion | The Tirennion The Tirennion is an epic saga which outlines the legendary history and origins of humanity, from the creation of the universe, the mutual destruction of the ancient first gods who created mankind, and the descent of the Godmen to the world, from whom all mankind is descended. The work is most known in the |
Theophore | Theophore A theophore is an object such as a rock, statue or relic said to carry the seed or anchor of a deital, a living elemental god. Magic magic This is in a series of articles about magic, thaumaturgy and esotericism. magic wip |
Torthien Crisis | Torthien Crisis The Torthien Crisis (1018-1026 ME) was an international conflict which brought the world closest to total war than at any time in history. It began as a proxy war between the great powers of Ororr and Harthera, who funded and encouraged rebel groups as well as smaller nations to fight on their behalf. The crisis focussed on the mountainous region of HartheraOrorrOrorrHarthera |
Tour | Tour Helevos Helevos (also known as Vos, or Veeos) is a temperate terrestrial world, fourth planet of the star Cordes in the Cronox binary star system. The stars Cordes and Arjos are distant binaries, so on Helevos, Arjos is only seen in the northern hemisphere as star, sometimes bright enough to be seen during the day, circling roughly over the viridgreenAnásthiasAnásthiasAnásthiasgreen |
Ves Jaen Wars | Ves Jaen Wars The Ves Jaen Wars was a protracted period of conflict in the Wiyel Basin during the Celadon Epoch, c.3900-3700 BME, the result of refugees feeling coastal civilisations due to rising sea levels. Conflict This is in a series of articles on Wars, Battles and Conflicts. In a time of cataclysm, with floods and storms laying waste to the coastal |