Atlas: Besoa

Zoom inZoom outAntyok
  • Zoom outplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAtlas: Natorn Archipelago

    [fmap-natorn.png] * Zoom in * Zoom out * Anrel Isles * The Spines * Antyok * Besoa * Manok

    Natorn Archipelago

    The Natorn Archipelago, or the Natorn Isles [nah-TORN], is a chain of islands in the Natorn Sea. The islands are oceanic ridge running from the northeastern tip of Anásthias to the Anrel Isles. The ridge is an active geological fault, many of the islands being volcanic.Anásthias
  • Antyokplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAtlas: Antyok

    [fmap-antyok.png] * Zoom in * Zoom out

    * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @

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    Antyok or Antyoq [ant-YOK, uhn-CHOK] is an island in the Natorn Archipelago, due east of Besoa. It was formerly an independent nation, the Principality of Antyok, but since 1086 ME, following the Bizoan War, it is now under HartheranHartheranHartheran


Besoa [BEH-sso-AH], or Bizoa (Hartraanplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHartraan

Hartraan is the official state language of Harthera. All Hartheran citizens are expected to speak Hartraan for official and public use, but in practice most rural people in central and southern Harthera speak local languages as their first language, have only limited exposure to the languagelanguagelanguageHartheralanguage
), is the largest island in the southern reach of the Natorn Archipelagoplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigNatorn Archipelago

The Natorn Archipelago, or the Natorn Isles [nah-TORN], is a chain of islands in the Natorn Sea. The islands are oceanic ridge running from the northeastern tip of Anásthias to the Anrel Isles. The ridge is an active geological fault, many of the islands being volcanic.Anásthias
. Today it is synonymous with the United Kingdom of Besoaplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigUnited Kingdom of Besoa

The United Kingdom of Besoa is a nation on the island of Besoa in the Natorn Archipelago. The kingdom was founded in 1114 ME, after a brief war of liberation from Harthera.

* Name: The United Kingdom of Besoa * Government: Commonwealth Monarchy * Capital

helevos:besoa_modern.png Modern Besoa c.1100 ME | Go to world mapplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAtlas: Besoa

[fmap-besoa.png] * Zoom in * Zoom out

* Antyok * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @ * @

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Besoa [BEH-sso-AH], or Bizoa (Hartraan), is the largest island in the southern reach of the Natorn Archipelago. Today it is synonymous with the United Kingdom of Besoa.

Modern Besoa c.1100 ME | Go to world map

Besoa in the Two Nations period, 38-1092 MEMEBMEHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranMEHartheraOrorrOrorr

Besoa in the Two Nations period, 38-1092 ME

Besoa in the Four Kingdoms period, c.1200 BMEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBME (Before Modern Epoch)

Used to date years Before the Modern Epoch.
- 35 ME

Historically it was divided amongst a number of city states which became the Four Kingdoms. These were resolved into two dominant powers, the Kingdom of Sann'alplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigKingdom of Sann'al

The Kingdom of Sann'al [SAN-AL sæn'æl] (from arch. Senna'al), also called Royal Sann'al or simply Sannal, was a historic nation in the northern half of the island of Besoa that existed from its founding c.1500 BME, to 1092 ME when it was annexed by BME
in the north, and the Alsaneth Republicplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAlsaneth Republic

The Alsaneth Republic, also called the Alsaneth Commonwealth (official name The Hexactic Commonwealth of Alsan), was a historic nation occupying the southern half of the island of Besoa. The Republic existed from the overthrow of the old MEME
to the south. In 1092 MEplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigME

ME is short for Modern Epoch, the modern method of numbering years.
the island was annexed by Hartheraplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHarthera

The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
following the Bizoan Warplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBizoan War and Occupation

The Bizoan War (1086-1092 ME) was a war of conquest by the Hartheran Union against the islands of Besoa and Antyok. The invasion lasted was followed by a period of Occupation from 1092-1114 ME. Besoa was liberated by nationalist forces led by the Sann'ali Court-in-Exile, who established the HartheranHartheraHartheraHartheranOrorrHartheranAnrelOrorrHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheranHartheraHarth…
. The war and thirty years of occupation devastated the island, leading to famine, ruin and mass emigration. in 1114 a force of Besoan exiles and mercenaries, led by Crown Prince Ralam Kenor Berill and tacitly supported by Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. languagelanguagelanguage
, reconquered the island creating the United Kingdom of Besoaplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigUnited Kingdom of Besoa

The United Kingdom of Besoa is a nation on the island of Besoa in the Natorn Archipelago. The kingdom was founded in 1114 ME, after a brief war of liberation from Harthera.

* Name: The United Kingdom of Besoa * Government: Commonwealth Monarchy * Capital


The island forms the southern reach of the Natorn Archipelagoplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigNatorn Archipelago

The Natorn Archipelago, or the Natorn Isles [nah-TORN], is a chain of islands in the Natorn Sea. The islands are oceanic ridge running from the northeastern tip of Anásthias to the Anrel Isles. The ridge is an active geological fault, many of the islands being volcanic.Anásthias
, its southern coast being 1700km from the mainland of Anásthiasplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAnásthias

Anásthias [a-NAS-thee-ass / ænæsθiːæs], or [an-ass-THEE-as] is an equatorial island continent, heart of the Civilised World. The north straddles the equator and is hot and humid, while most of the equatorial centre is an upland plateau with fertile river valleys, and stretches of arid plains and desert in the shadow of the mountains. The south is temperate but more wild, separated from the civilisations of the north by the almost impassable Harthera
. It is roughly 400 km north to south, and about 300 km wide.

Its geology is a mix of volcanic and sedimentary, with ancient shield volcanos forming mountain ranges particularly in the south.



During the much lower sea levels of the Emerald Epochplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigEmerald Epoch

The Emerald Epoch is the oldest era recorded human history, circa 16,000-11,000 BME. In mythohistory it is synonymous with the Age of the Godmen.
the landmass of the archipelago was much large. Parts of this former region were settled as colonies of the Realm of the Godmenplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigRealm of the Godmen

The Realm of the Godmen was semi-mythic ancient civilisation, said to have existed in the Emerald Epoch from roughly 15,000-12,000 BME. It was the home of the mythical Godmen, the said to have been the first human civilisation from which all mankind descends. Godmen
. Although most settlements were coastal, a few artifacts remain from this ancient era, most particularly the Oracleplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOracle

Oracles are sources of secret knowledge from the ancient world, believed to be the echoes of the Godmen of the first days.

There are a several examples of authentic surviving oracles:

* Welvér on Besoa * The Temple of the God-Mountain on Mount Karmoqué, Antyok * The Library of Orodien * Oracle of Rieve, on the isle of
at Welvérplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigWelvér

Welvér [WELL-vair], also called the Well of Truth, is an oracle and religious site in the southeastern hills of Besoa, important to the traditional animist religion of the island.


This is in a series of articles about religions and beliefs.

The site has been used by successive civilisations for many thousands of years, and is littered with ruins and ancient artefacts. The oracle itself is an underground chamber accessed by a stone shaft, believed to have been constructed by …
. Little is known about this period in history.

The third and second millennium BME saw an influx of Aralsic migration from the north and Iskeans from the south.

Four Kingdoms (1200 BME - 38 ME)

For more than a millennium the island was divided between four nations: Derailadplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigDerailad

Derailad is the southwestern region of the island of Besoa, now part of the United Kingdom of Besoa. During the Hartheran Occupation of Besoa it was called Direlvarr.


This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago.

In ancient times it was the independent
, Alsanplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAlsan

Alsan is a former nation on the island of Besoa, referring either to the Alsaneth Republic, or the earlier Kingdom of Alsan.
, Heronbarplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHeronbar

Heronbar, also called Ronvarr during the Hartheran Occupation, is the northeastern province of the island of Besoa. Its capital the city of Famúl.


Historically, the Kingdom of Heronbar was one of the four ancient kingdoms of Besoa, occupying the northeastern quarter of the island. Heronbar was the most advanced maritime power of its era, with possessions in HartheranHartheran
and Sann'alplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigSann'al

Referring to the former Kingdom of Sann'al on the island of Besoa.
. Since few records of the period survive there was great debate about who were the original and “rightful” occupants of the island. The Derailish were certainly the last group of immigrants, Iskeans later rumoured to be from the wicked island of Keeyagplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigKeeyag

Keeyag was an island in the Iskean Sea from c.6000-3200 BME. During the Celadon Epoch it was home to a civilisation that is mainly remembered for slavery and its brutal raids on the mainland coast.

It is now merely a sea reef between the coasts of modern Harthera and Besoa. magic
. The Heronbaht were similarly demonised as other by historians of Alsan and Sann'al, who both had clear Aralsic ancestry.

After a long history of squabbles and skirmishes, the period came to an end with the Battle of Four Kingdomsplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBattle of Four Kingdoms

The Battle of Four Kingdoms (35 ME), also called The Field of Maiúnla Diëlmes [may-UHN-la dee-EL-mez], was a pivotal military campaign in the history of the island of Besoa, culminating in an all-out battle between its historic Four Kingdoms. Its brutal aftermath led to the fall of the kingdoms of
. Heronbar and Derailad lost their main strength and were annexed by the two remaining nations.

Two Nations Period: Alsan and Sann'al (38 - 1090 ME)

After the Battle of Four Kingdoms the island was divided between the Kingdom of Sann'alplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigKingdom of Sann'al

The Kingdom of Sann'al [SAN-AL sæn'æl] (from arch. Senna'al), also called Royal Sann'al or simply Sannal, was a historic nation in the northern half of the island of Besoa that existed from its founding c.1500 BME, to 1092 ME when it was annexed by BME
in the north and the Alsaneth Republicplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAlsaneth Republic

The Alsaneth Republic, also called the Alsaneth Commonwealth (official name The Hexactic Commonwealth of Alsan), was a historic nation occupying the southern half of the island of Besoa. The Republic existed from the overthrow of the old MEME
in the south. Alsan's line of kings was overthrown and replaced with a Commonwealth inspired by the Hexact Doctrineplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHexact Doctrine

The Hexact Doctrine is a philosophy of government developed in Anrel in the early 3rd century ME, with the aim of creating governments that benefited the health, wealth and wellbeing of its citizens. It is the model for many governments throughout the MEAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrelAnrel

Despite antagonism between the two nations, their rivalry spurred a golden age of discovery, exploration, art and trade, with Sann'ali merchant ships frequenting distant ports, bringing home a wealth of luxuries. After generations of profitable trips to the Eastern Islesplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigEastern Isles (New Perech)

The Eastern Isles, also called New Perech or the Spice Islands, are a tropical island group in the Redeeming Ocean at 13ºS, 3300 km from the mainland of Harthera, 4125 km from the port of Narillin. The islands have a highly diverse population of virid plant species, several of which are prized as flavourings or HartheranHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheran
for cargoes of exotic spicesplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigSpices

Spices are condiments derived from the fruits, seeds and roots of virid plants. Most have a pungent or acrid flavour, and most are toxic if eaten in large quantities, but a pinch of them can add depth of flavour or piquancy to green foodstuffs. Condiments derived from virid
, in the ninth century Sann'al took control of the islands, establishing plantations and peaceful cooperation with the native jinniesplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigJinnies

Vulgar term for the indigenous natives of Helevos.

Bizoan War

After the Torthien Crisisplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigTorthien Crisis

The Torthien Crisis (1018-1026 ME) was an international conflict which brought the world closest to total war than at any time in history. It began as a proxy war between the great powers of Ororr and Harthera, who funded and encouraged rebel groups as well as smaller nations to fight on their behalf. The crisis focussed on the mountainous region of HartheraOrorrOrorrHarthera
which resolved an uneasy truce between Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. languagelanguagelanguage
and Hartheraplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHarthera

The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
, Ororran port authorities began to give preferential trade contracts and shipping slots in the port of Toborrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigToborr

Toborr [toe-BORR] is a historic port city at the mouth of the River Wiyel, the most important port in modern Ororr, and arguably the greatest shipping port in the world. Toborr City lies on an island in the river mouth, but now encompasses a conurbation which surrounds the whole estuary bay, including the city of Therion
to Sann'aliplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigSann'al

Referring to the former Kingdom of Sann'al on the island of Besoa.
merchantmen. Over time this seriously weakened Hartheraplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHarthera

The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
's control over trade with it's neighbour, as well as bringing huge wealth to Sann'al. Tensions between the two nations steadily deteriorated, with several incidents of hostile action between Sann'ali merchants and the Hartheranplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHarthera

The Hartheran Union, commonly named Harthera, is an imperialist maritime nation state dominating the northeast of Anásthias. It is one of the two great powers of the modern epoch, arguably the most technologically and militarily powerful nation in the world, only matched by the vast size and wealth of its neighbour, viridOrorrMEOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorr
Navy. In 1086, the Harthera military command launched a campaign to forever end this dispute by conquering the Besoa, in what is now called the Bizoan Warplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigBizoan War and Occupation

The Bizoan War (1086-1092 ME) was a war of conquest by the Hartheran Union against the islands of Besoa and Antyok. The invasion lasted was followed by a period of Occupation from 1092-1114 ME. Besoa was liberated by nationalist forces led by the Sann'ali Court-in-Exile, who established the HartheranHartheraHartheraHartheranOrorrHartheranAnrelOrorrHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheraHartheranHartheranHartheranHartheraHartheranHartheraHarth…


After Bizoa was declared “pacified”, the Hartheran authorities officially seized ownership of all land, leasing it back to landowners who paid duty and swore loyalty to the new administration. Some conceded to this but many prominent noble landowners refused, were thrown of their land and many arrested for rebellion or malingering. In the aftermath of the war, the rural economy was devastated. Famine swept the land, and a third of the island's surviving population fled either north to the Spines and Anrelplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigAnrel Isles

Anrel [ANN-rel], or the Anrel Isles, is the most northerly island group in the Natorn Archipelago. It consists of three major islands and numerous smaller ones. The largest, colloquially if infrequently called Mainland, is divided between the kingdoms of Trésard and Narette. The island
, or south to the Hartheran mainland.

With much of the island desolate, the government encouraged mainland Hartherans to settle the island, with offers of free land grants and trading and commodity concessions. This caused an initial land rush particularly by war veterans and the landless poor. However, few settlers were happy to remain in the bleak and benighted landscape the occupation left behind.

Many war veterans claimed stakes in the new land, but beset by ruined soil, poisoned water and creeping viridplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigVirid

Referring to the Virid Kingdom of flora and fauna, toxic to human life.
vegetation, many returned home within a few years.

Today the only significant Hartheran settlement is the district of Ronvarrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigHeronbar

Heronbar, also called Ronvarr during the Hartheran Occupation, is the northeastern province of the island of Besoa. Its capital the city of Famúl.


Historically, the Kingdom of Heronbar was one of the four ancient kingdoms of Besoa, occupying the northeastern quarter of the island. Heronbar was the most advanced maritime power of its era, with possessions in HartheranHartheran
, surrounding the new colonial capital, the former Sann'ali port of Famulplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigFamúl

Famúl [fa-MOOL] is a city on the island of Besoa. Since the declaration of the United Kingdom of Besoa in 1114 ME, it has been the island's provisional capital.


This is in a series of articles about Besoa, a major island in the Natorn Archipelago.


The city was founded around 1700


For two decades the Sann'ali court-in-exile had attempted to raise funds and military support for a military reconquest, with little result. However in early 1113 ME, Prince Ralam Kenor Berill held secret negotiations with representatives of Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. languagelanguagelanguage
on the ruined outpost of Gres Rockplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigGres Rock

Gres Rock is a rocky island in the Natorn Sea, in a strategic location southwest of Anrel, near the coast of Trésard and Narette. It is 4.5 km on its longest axis, consisting of precipitous rocks and cliffs with no natural harbour and little soil or vegetation.


Hover/tap image to magnify |
. Ororrplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigOrorr

Ororr [o-ROARR, ɒ̝rɔ'ɾ], also called the Holy Motherland of Ororr, is a theocratic nation in Anásthias, one of the world's great powers. It the largest nation in the world, perhaps the largest empire in history, occupying the entire northwest of the continent between the mountains and the sea. languagelanguagelanguage
has been famously weak at sea, lacking Harthera's modern navy, so a deal was struck in which Ororr would construct a new fleet of ships in secret at Fa Cadalplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigFá Cadal

Fá Cadal [fah-ka-DAL], or Ivfá in the local language, is a port city in the province of Cadal, in the northwestern tip of Ororr. It is the only significant city in the province and therefore the principle centre of Ororran authority and religion. Though small and isolated, the city is an important trans-shipping port for trade between the western port cities and Ororr
, under instruction from Sann'alese craftsmen. In a particularly bitter negotiation, the Prince also agreed to share seeds of the golden perianplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigPerian

Perian trees are a variety of slender flowering virid tree, found throughout the tropics.



This is in a series of articles about Plants and Flora.

Perian wood is light and flexible, yet strong, and is therefore valued as a building material, perian canes being particularly useful as scaffolding. The trees however are unusually invasive in greenwood areas.
, the wood once so vital to Sann'ali naval success. Ororr also extracted a promise that the prince would accept instruction in their faithplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigMother Church of Ororr (Therism)

The Mother Church is the state religion of Ororr, which combines both religion and government in one institution. It is based on the teachings of the Great Prophet Therion, who in the early decades of the modern era raised an army that conquered much of northwestern OrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrOrorrMEMEOrorrMEMEOrorrOrorrHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerHerher
, and would allow Ororran missionaries free access to convert the Besoan people.

In addition, the Sann'ali met with the secretive vestiges of the Rasian Academyplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigRasian Academy

The Rasian Academy is the common name for the Grand Academy of Rasia, the greatest institution of magic and learning in the Anrel Isles.
, who promised arcane assistance in return for establishing a new school of thaumaturgyplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigThaumaturgy

Thaumaturgy Is a style of magic, codified and practiced by the Rasian Academy. Thaumaturgy and magic are terms often used interchangeably.



This is in a series of articles about magic, thaumaturgy and esotericism.

Thaumaturgy means “work using thaumic energy”, also called Elemental Mastery, Elementalismmagicmagicmagiclanguagemagicmagicmagicmagicmagicmagicmagicmagic
in Perilthplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigPerilth

Perilth (Besoaad), or Beridt (Hartraan), is a port city in Besoa, once renowned as the wealthiest city in the Natorn Archipelago. In former times it was the royal capital of the Kingdom of Sann'al, known as The Silver City both for its wealth, for the blue and silver banners of the Sann'alese kings, and for the sparkling waters of its many fountains.HartheranHartheranHartheran
. Lastly the Prince married Princess Illieten of Naretteplugin-autotooltip__small plugin-autotooltip_bigQueen Illieten of Narette

Illieten of Narette (1081 ME-) is Queen regnant of the Kingdom of Narette and Queen Consort of the United Kingdom of Besoa, by marriage to her husband, King Ralam of Besoa.


This is in a series of articles on famous and historic people.


She was born in the city of Heth Ania, daughter to Ehamet IX of Narette and his first wife Alsia. On the death of herherherherherherher

maps/besoa.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/08 11:50 by Robert How · []