The ameli [ah-MELL-ee] is a spiny green plant with long thin yellow-green leaves, found in open temperate plains and grasslands. They bear small berries, usually black or very dark red. They can be poisonous is eaten, but a decoction of them is used to heighten senses, and also increases adrenalin production. Ameli is therefore an important medicinal
Bluefern is a virid plant with distinctive blue feathery fronds, found principally in the temperate uplands of Anásthias. Its white tendrilous roots are ground and dried to form a potent narcotic known as sylin.
Candlenuts are the fruit of a virid shrub, whose oil is used for lighting, a variety of domestic and industrial uses, and refined for human consumption. Candlenut bushes are native to southern Otekahré, Munatan and the virid jungles of southwestern Ororr, where they form part of the staple diet.viridvirid
Carrow is a variety of tough green grass common in marginal regions. Carrow grass has tall, broad, sharp-edged blades, coloured various shades from green to yellow to variegated, depending partly upon variety, but mostly due to soil conditions. It pollinates by wind, producing an abundance of fluffy airborne seed pods which can travel long distances.greengreengreen
Chaterna or teabush is a green flowering plant with glossy leaves. The leaves are cultivated to make green tea, drunk throughout the civlised world. Other varieties are grown for their beautiful flowers, and teabushes are a popular feature of gardens.
The creal bush is a virid shrub native to the Manthi-lien. It is pyriscent, releasing its seeds during brush fires, which clear the undergrowth allowing seedlings to germinate.
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Mature bushes have leaves and trunk impregnated with a flammable aromatic resin, which is distilled into an essential oil valued for its earthy fragrance. In virid
The dragora is a virid tree found in swamps and coastal salt marshes. The trunks are have characteristic scales that give them a repitilian appeareance, with glossy, spiny leaves and limbs. The trunk's fleshy inner core holds a reserve of water and nutrients, enabling them to survive both during droughts or low
Evernessence is the narcotic extract of the evernut, the buds of a perennial virid shrub native to the upland jungles of central southern Anásthias. It was traditionally used by shamans of the Essep people as part of initiation and social rituals. Its use later spreading amongst the
Goldmane is an epiphytic virid plant often found growing in the nexial branches of virid, and sometimes green, trees. Goldmane is so named for it's golden hair-like fronds which are the plant's fruiting body, dispersing spor into the air.
Greenwing, known as vunndalt [voon-dalt] in Anásthias from the Daltirich name, is a virid climbing plant valued for its medicinal purposes. It is native to warm virid jungles and even some green forests, growing on dead greenwood or climbing rocky outcrops. It is relatively rare, found in upland and mountainous
Handfruit are carpel-like growths of the handfruit bush, a virid plant native to virid jungles in the southwest of Anásthias.
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They produce a composite body with multiple “fingers”, often fused together with the outer ones curled and the central fingers erect. They were adopted as a symbol of the viridTheristvirid
Herblore is the art and science of using plants as medicine. Though herbs are generally thought of as green planets, in practice herblore involves the use of a wide range of virid and green plants and spices, distillations of essential oils, and even products derived from the secretions and cadavers of animals.
Herbs are usually green plants cultivated and used for use in medicine, cooking or for other purposes.
Herblore is the traditional practice of making decoctions, extracts, powders and other preparations from the roots, leaves, seeds, bark and fruit of plants found across the world.greengreenAnásthiasAnásthiasgreenMunatangreengreen
Imble is a virid plant native to tropical swamplands, where it flourishes due to its strength, flexibility, and tolerance to salt. The tree-like trunk is bulbous with a thick grey skin. Its core is a mass of fleshy strands which given the plant strength and function to regulate its internal salinity.virid
Ironoke is a large variety of virid tree found and cultivated throughout Anásthias. They grow slowly but to an enormous size, with a large canopy and characteristic dark brown bole.
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Ironoke produce the hardest known wood, which evolved to be resistant to fire and virid
Jikitaga is a virid climbing plant with slender spiked leaves and vicious thorns. In nature it often grows around dead or dying virid trees, but it is often used by humans as a boundary plant for its impenetrable thorns and poisonous leaves that cause painful blisters on human skin.virid
Oilseed is the seed of the oilbush. It is cultivated to produce seed oil, which can be consumed as food, but is mainly refined as a fuel for lamps and machinery.
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The oilbush is a hardy green plant that flourishes in tropical and equatorial parts of AnásthiasHarthera
Perian trees are a variety of slender flowering virid tree, found throughout the tropics.
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Perian wood is light and flexible, yet strong, and is therefore valued as a building material, perian canes being particularly useful as scaffolding. The trees however are unusually invasive in greenwood areas.
Peupra [peh-ERR-pra] is a deep purple-blue dye, obtained from the marsh peurpra, a virid plant native to marshy areas of western Munatan. Historically it grew in abundance in the swamps surrounding the city of Nepor, and was a famous export of that city.
The pirpounk is a variety of virid bush native to dry or semi-arid habitats, particularly in the desert plains of central and eastern Anásthias.
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It is related to the balbal with a similarly bulbous root and a long tapering trunk, with an abundance of long, fur-like fronds growing from the top which sway in the breeze. These fronds serve several purposes. Firstly they trap insects and other small animals, which a…
The raintree is a variety of virid tree adapted to arid regions, found mainly in the tropical deserts and plains of Anásthias.
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Raintrees have a scaly white or dun-coloured skin, with numerous up-pointing limbs. They cope with arid conditions by growing fine, hair-like air roots from their branches. These normally lay flat, giving the limbs a hairy appearance. In the cool hours before dawn they become erect, catch…
Ream mosses are a family of green plants and lichens which thrive in the boundary between green and virid ecosystems. The boundary between biomes is called the “burn zone” due to the red and yellow colour of lichens which colonise the area.
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Spor are the single-celled reproductive units of virid plants, distinct from seeds or spores found in the green kingdom. Most spor are airborne, release from spor-pods, the fruiting bodies of virid plants. Many spor are motile with rudimentary flagella, either fertilising mature plants, or randomly bonding with the spor of other plants and settling to make a new plant seedling.viridviridvirid
Thornbrush is a virid shrub found in the drier parts of Anásthias. Its leaves grow vicious hand-length thorns preventing grazing by animals. The plant is commonly used to mark boundaries and to provide fencing for animals. Unusual for a virid plant, it is more toxic to viridviridvirid
Tutum is a green bush with glossy leaves, found throughout the Civilised World but particularly in Anrel. It is a successionary plant which grows in the burn zone between virid and green biomes, though it is only able to flourish in the presence of ream moss. One of its principle survival mechanisms is producing greenviridviridviridviridviridvirid
Veilspor is a type of virid decompositional mould which covers dead and dying organisms in a cobweb-like veil. It is often seen in virid forests surrounding fallen trees, dead branches and sickly vegetation. It is sometimes found in poorly maintained human dwellings, particularly in basements and dark abandoned rooms. If left untreated it slowly engulfs whole buildings.virid
Virid scrubland is a region where low-growing virid vegetation is the predominant life. Scrubland is often the result of thin poor soils and low rainfall. It can also be an intermediate landscape in areas destroyed by fire.
Virispurges are a family of virid plants found in hot and dry climates through Helevos. They have adaptations similar to green kingdom euphorbias, and are often called cacti though they are entirely unrelated to similar green plants.
Narcotics are chemical preparations or natural products from either green herbs or virid flora, consumed by humans for their psychotropic, euphoric or stimulant properties.
Spices are condiments derived from the fruits, seeds and roots of virid plants. Most have a pungent or acrid flavour, and most are toxic if eaten in large quantities, but a pinch of them can add depth of flavour or piquancy to green foodstuffs. Condiments derived from
tag/herbs.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/29 09:56 by Robert How · []